Community, Valuable Resources

Reflecting on 2016

We’re coming upon the end of another year. An eventful year that may have left you with a mix of feelings. Some people wish for 2016 to just get over with and hope for a more positive 2017. I won’t dwell on those aspects. Let’s let the years events be and do what we must to improve and make it better.

On a personal note, I’ve come a long way in the past year and as a result, so has this blog. It’s hard to imagine I was just coming out of a period of burnout, struggle and depression. My recovery manifested itself into the journey that is this blog and everything that’s spawned out of it. I’ve made some wonderful connections along the way, and what better way to celebrate the end of the year than to celebrate these connections? Continue Reading

Valuable Resources

My colleague, Tomas Ekeli, and I held a presentation at NDC Oslo 2016 (read about my impressions from the conference) about “Making Komplett Big by going small“. It’s a tale of how the development team have played their part in making Komplett a leading Scandinavian / European e-commerce provider. What we’re doing to keep up, and our plans for the future.

If you’re ready to get your feet wet, then go ahead and watch the talk. I’ve added more background information about the talk underneath if you aren’t convinced yet.

The talk

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The road to NDC Oslo 2016

Inspired by Torbjørn Marø’s writeup on his planned agenda for NDC 2016, I’ve written my own initial plans.


In my role as a team lead at KomplettDev I’ve started leaning naturally to topics on people / softskill / agile.

I’m not leaving technology behind , though. There are exciting things happening in the .NET cross-platform space, and it’s good to get up to speed with ASP.NET Core. We’ve just started with ReactJS, and it’ll be good to get some feedback from others’ experience using the technology in the wild.

There’s also the possibility that I’ll jump on a few architectural and deployment sessions.

The twist – I’ll be a speaker!

This year there’s a twist though. I’ll be attending a conference as a speaker for the first time! My colleague, Tomas Ekeli, and I will be speaking about how we’re scaling our team and architecture at Komplett in the session “Making Komplett big by going small“. We were a late entry to the conference and have naturally been placed in the last available slot.

I expect Friday to be filled with last-minute preparation, thoughts, nerves and whatever else is natural when speaking at a conference for the first time.


Probably the most important long-term effect of attending a conference like NDC Oslo is the social aspect. Because of the way the event is organized there’s a natural focus on being social in the breaks. I’m looking forward to meeting old friends, and making new ones.

Among the people attending the conference there’s one I’ll bring up: Dave Rael, the Developer on Fire. It’ll be great to finally meet Dave in person after being a guest on his podcast, and getting to know him through twitter / facebook-group.

Those plans…

As you’ll see there are just so many awesome sessions going on in parallel, so many last-minute decisions will be made on the floor!

As with any plans, they can be changed, and most probably will. I may sit out a session or two. Or maybe just socialize near the community area, representing NNUG (Norwegian .NET User Group).

So here’s my tentative agenda for the 3 days at NDC Oslo. Please reach out and say hi if you’re there. 






















