Valuable Resources

A special thanks to Jose Gonzalez for tipping me on this weeks Valuable Resource.

Mattias P Johansson, probably more well-known as @mpjme, is a YouTube’r with a focus on JavaScript and other programming-related topics. His YouTube channel “fun fun function” is packed with great videos. He has a wonderful presentation style has a knack for breaking down complex subjects into bite-size, understandable chunks. I highly recommend his videos. Subscribe and enjoy!

The video in question is #43 in the funfunfunction series and addresses a very important subject: “Does a developer need to be nice?”. I’ve written a summary of the video, and added a few of my thoughts a the end.

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Valuable Resources

My colleague, Tomas Ekeli, and I held a presentation at NDC Oslo 2016 (read about my impressions from the conference) about “Making Komplett Big by going small“. It’s a tale of how the development team have played their part in making Komplett a leading Scandinavian / European e-commerce provider. What we’re doing to keep up, and our plans for the future.

If you’re ready to get your feet wet, then go ahead and watch the talk. I’ve added more background information about the talk underneath if you aren’t convinced yet.

The talk

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